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Gate Church International SCIO is a charity registered in Scotland (Charity No: SC003542) which subscribes to a high standard of accountability and stewardship of its activities and finances.


Gate Church’s governance is based on the Charity Commission's (OSCR) guidelines for good practice and standards and the annual accounts are lodged with OSCR. All our accounts are externally and independently scrutinised to hold its trustees accountable for their financial responsibilities and practices.


The Board of trustees meet a minimum of twice a year to review the financial reporting and governance and make sure the standards required are being maintained and improved where possible. The board in turn reports annually to the members.


The Board takes professional advice on financial matters from the charities Chartered Accountants and on legal matters from Burness Paull Solictors.


Gate Church International is a Christ centred ministry and therefore the trustees and employees are expected to conduct themselves with the highest of ethical and biblical standards.


Richard Pitt (Chair)

Stella Digba


stephen finnie

gill simpson

   Paul Reed

To contact the Trustees please email:

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