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The shared passion of all of us who are involved with “The Gate” is to be an active member of Christ’s body here in Dundee and to build his Kingdom across the Tayside area and beyond – Growing people to bring Christ into our Communities. Helping to lead and serve the Gate community and its purpose are Pastors, Elders and Staff. Here is a simple guide to how the leadership is organised.
Leadership Team
The Biblical pattern is for churches to be led by Pastors and Elders. Gate Church International (GCI) therefore has a Leadership Team (LT) consisting of Senior Pastors and Elders who operate in accordance with the agreed GCI Purpose, Vision, Culture and Statement of Belief.
The LT meetings are held monthly and are led by the Senior Pastor supported by the Chair of the Board of Elders.
The Core LT consisting of the Senior Pastors and Elders has the overall accountability and responsibility for GCI. There is also an Extended LT that includes key Ministry Leaders and the Leaders of each Location.
All GCI Locations are accountable to the Leadership Team. GCI Locations are represented on the Core LT, and all Location Leaders are members of the Extended LT to ensure their voice is heard.
The Word of God and guidance from the Holy Spirit is sought on all topics, as every topic discussed, whether ministry or business related, concerns the Church which is His Body and the growth of His Kingdom.
Senior Pastors
Our Senior Pastors provide the primary spiritual leadership and guidance to the whole Church in line with GCI’s Purpose, Vision, Culture and Statement of Belief.
They lead both in teaching the Church from the Bible and the life of Jesus, and in reaching out to our
communities with the Good News of the Gospel.
They direct pastoral care for the whole Church, raise up new leaders, and pioneer new ways and methods for reaching the lost across the Dundee area and beyond.
Elders work closely with the Senior Pastors to help lead and serve the Church. They also love, support and protect the Senior Pastors in their ministry.
Someone can be invited to join the Elders’ team when they are seen to be already performing a leadership role within the church that shows their love for Jesus, servant nature and adherence to Biblical teaching.​
The Elders form the Board of Trustees which operates in accordance with the GCI Constitution and provides an Annual Report and Accounts to OSCR, the Scottish Government’s governing body for Charities. Consequently, each Elder is also a Trustee to ensure that the Trustee role as administrators of the Charity is not separated from Holy Spirit-led decision making for the Church.
Staff Line Manager
We are blessed to have an excellent staff team who serve the church and help us all build Christ’s Kingdom. In order to support them, we have a senior employee (our Staff Line Manager) who manages and prioritises the work of the GCI Office Staff, supports them through regular meetings and annual reviews, and liaises with the Leadership Team.
Our purpose is to reach the lost and build God’s Kingdom across the Tayside area and beyond, following the laws of the land, while ensuring we do not compromise our faith and beliefs. The heart of the Leaders is to build a church where everyone is loved, cared for and encouraged to reach their full potential and calling in the Lord under the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit at all times.
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